You need to watch Breaking Bad

You might have heard this a lot already. Hell, there’s a pretty good chance you heard it from me. Especially recently.

You need to watch Breaking Bad.

It’s the best show ever. You can binge watch ’cause the series finale just happened. Also, I never steer people wrong when it comes to television.

Seriously. I’ve gotten people hooked on Lost, How I Met Your Mother, Justified, Dexter, Arrested Development.. and Breaking Bad.

Case in point, my sister, Rachel, and brother-in-law, Chuckie.

They watched the first four seasons pretty fast and the first half of season five. They were a tiny bit behind the live episodes but managed to stay away from spoilers and ended up watching the series finale just a couple weeks after it actually aired.

My sister decided after the first season was finished she’d send me her thoughts. That turned into a habit after each one was done.

And I’m so glad she did it. Her commentary was not only hilarious, it was spot-on. It was exactly what I (and several other people I’m sure) thought while they were watching. And if you DON’T ever wanna watch it, read her commentary. It’ll tell you all you need to.

Sami is catching up right now too and every once in a while I get texts with her feelings on the characters. I love it. I’m so glad they listened to their incredibly intelligent big sister with wonderful taste in television and checked it out.

Now. SAMI – and anyone else who is considering watching or is in the middle of watching – stop right here.



You people I was talking to a minute ago. Better not still be reading. This is your last chance to move on to another page. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Here we go.

Breaking Bad, season by season, by Rachel Cummings.

We finished season 1 last night. Here are my thoughts. 

I love that Jesse calls Walter “Mr. White.”

I love Walt’s bald head. He looks like a BAMF.

Walt’s wife is so annoying.

Her sister is even more annoying.

Drugs are disgusting especially meth.

If a body dissolved in my bathtub and fell through to the 1st floor and I had to clean up guts, I woulda just burnt the house down “accidentally.” No way in hell I’d clean up someone’s guts and blood. Nope.

Jesse’s little brother is a punk.

When Walter threw that fake meth down in Tuco’s office….. OMG. BAMF. That was the moment Chuckie decided he liked the show and wanted to watch more.

I hate that Hugo got pegged for stealing the meth equipment. He was so nice! Cleaning up Mr. White’s chemo puke! 

What does Walter’s wife do? She makes them a full breakfast EVERY MORNING. I don’t even get out of bed if Chuckie has to be somewhere before me much less make a full sit down breakfast. Damn.

Ok that’s all for now. I’ll let you know my thoughts on season 2 once we’ve watched it. I love that I have absolutely no idea what’s going to happen. I have avoided reading anything about the show, the finale, etc. So I literally have no clue where this show is going. And I love that. 


Ok. OMG.

-Tuco freaks me outtttttt!!!!!! Glad he’s dead and I soooo thought
hank was going to catch Walt there and shit was gonna hit the fan.

-wife: still annoying as ever and forever pregnant.

-I want that little redhead kid in the crackheads house! He was so
cute and I felt so sad for him!

– the landlord girlfriend girl was on Gilmore girls in the last
season(s?) and I hated her in that show and I hate her in this one
too. Annoying.

– what the heck is saul and all this bullshit? Walt is getting way too
deep and way too many people know his secret. Dexter never woulda
slipped up like that in his earlier days at least… But come on

– Jesse is a cutie.

– the whole walts wife and her old boss storyline freaked me out and
when she sang happy birthday to him I felt uncomfortable. So did
Chuckie. We wanted it to stop. I can’t believe she did that and
especially in front of all those people and then he’s at the birth of
their baby and walts not wtf? Not cool ted.

– soooooo pissed when that ho gets Jesse hooked on heroin and then
tries to take his money!? Not glad she died but dang. She had to go.

– I knew skyler would freakin put all the pieces together after Walt
said “which one?” Talkin about his cell phones. Oh man. My heart beat
so fast when he said that. She dug DEEP. Then tells him she knows
everything except what he did. Then he’s killed people and now left
with no family and no cancer and thousands of dollars he can’t spend.

– wtf is up with that plane crash?
Totally thought walts Fam was in those body bags and so relieved they
weren’t. I love Walter jr aka Flynn

Oh. My. God. 


-I hate Skyler more than ever. She’s sleeping with her boss just so she can tell Walt and piss him off. That doesnt work but she KEEPS sleeping with him for whatever reason, he ends up actually liking her and wanting a relationship, and she of course ruins that too and tells him to go away when he comes over to check on Hank. THIS WOMAN IS THE WORST.

– Those speechless mexican brothers are probably the scariest villains ever to be on tv, maybe besides the Trinity killer from Dexter. 


– I kind of love the Gus character. He’s so normal and not suspicious at all on the outside. Just a chicken restaurant guy. But secretly one of the biggest and baddest drug lords ever. He’s so chill. 

– JESSE. So glad he stopped doing drugs but then he started again! Ughhhhh. My favorite JEsse scene the whole season was when he was alone in the lab waiting for Walt and he fills his yellow suit up with air and is jumping around. Omg hilarious. I cried. 

– I think Walt and Jesse have the best love/hate relationship ever on TV or in a movie. They seriously love each other so much but also hate each other more than anyone else at the same time. Neither of them want to associate with the other one but they NEED each other. And deep down they secretly care about each other too but man do they hate each other. lol. I love it.

– I cried when Walt said he wished he had died before Jane died.

– The last 2 episodes of the season were INSANE.

– I’m sad that kid got killed.

– I can’t believe Walt ran over those guys and shot the one in the head. He’s gone rogue!

– Gale. RIP. 😦

– Walt is smart. Can’t wait to see how Gus reacts.

– Of course Skyler wants to get all up in Walt’s business and launder his money for him even though she tried to divorce him over all this shit but then she saw that bag full o money and ever since then she’s been all about it. Bitch. Why do I have a feeling she’s going to ruin something?

The end. Season 4- GO!

– I will never look at a box cutter the same way again.

– when the 1st episode ended Chuckie said “hey. remember when they liquidated that guy?” and then he laughed. I don’t know what disturbed me more- watching that scene or hearing chuckie refer to that guy as “liquidated.” ew.

– Battle of who has the worst new haircut: Jesse v. Skyler. And the winner (more like loser) is… both of them! I am not cool with Jesse’s shaved head look, mostly ’cause I want Walt to be the only BA with a bald head and I liked Jesse’s constant “just rolled out of bed” hairstyle. Skyler’s haircut sucks mainly just cause she sucks.

– Marie is super weird and what’s with all the purple stuff?

– Jesse’s teeth are waaaaay too nice for a methhead. They’re like, super white. They could have at least made them a little yellow or something. 

– Flynn is the smartest character on the show. He knows how to work people.

– Poor Holly. Always and forever sittin’ in that carseat, taking care of herself because seriously NO ONE ELSE IS.

– “I AM THE DANGER.” Maybe my favorite line in a TV show EVER. 

– Chuckie and I are adding “yo” to the end of everything we say now. “Pass me the chips, yo.” “Make me a chocolate milk, yo.” “Stop stealing the covers, yo.”

– I love the show’s attention to details (besides Jesse’s white teeth which I will forgive them for…) Skyler’s car has some dents in it, their houses all have clutter like normal people’s houses… Most tv shows, even if the people are supposed to be middle class, they have the nicest houses and cars somehow. I like that BB keeps it real.
– I can’t believe Gus took out the whole cartel like that. Whoa. He has no shame.
– Walt laying in that crawl space laughing like the joker was probably one of thre freakiest scenes ever.
– OMG when Ted tries to run away and then falls… I laughed so hard I was crying. Chuckie was laughing at me and said it was just like watching Americas funniest home videos with me hahaha. But then I felt bad later when I found out he actually got hurt.
– I want Hank to be a hero.
– Gus straightening his tie with half a face before he drops was pretty much the perfect exit for his character.
– I felt so happy about Brock living and about Jesse and Walt being friends again alllllll the way up until the last second of the season when I saw that plant on Walt’s table. OH. MY GOD. I hope Jesse never finds out but at the same time, at this point I’m kinda hoping he does and hope he kills Walt. No I take that back. No I don’t know. I’m so conflicted.


Ok, I took notes about the season as it went along because so much was happening, so these are the things I thought as it went and you will see how they changed, obvi. Here it goes:
– Landry from Friday Night Lights is the red haired bug tent guy! Yay! We love Landry! (And we continued to refer to him as Landry the entire season.)
– Walt is a big jerk. He’s totally desensitized.
– Jessie is such a softie for kids. 
– I can never tell if Walt is crying for real or faking. He’s too good at lying and I don’t appreciate it.
– Walt is so manipulative and twists everything to get what he wants. It’s not even right.
– OMG when Hank found that book in Walt’s bathroom…. I shrieked with joy. Hank is finally going to get him! Yesssssss
– I love that Hank and Jesse teamed up and that Marie is making him coffee.  I actually have grown to like Marie a lot. She’s moved her way up from least liked characters to most liked characters.
– HAAAAAAAAAAAANK!!!!! And Gomey!!! But HAAAAAAAAAANK. This show officially sucks. We are pissed.
– When Walt tells Jesse he watched Jane die… He really is the devil. I hated him a lot but at this point, he is at the bottom of my favorite characters list. I actually like Skyler now more than Walt. How did this happen.
– Jesse has been manipulated by Walt more than anyone else on the show and he’s basically the last one to figure it out. I hate this for him. He never asked for any of this. He was perfectly content doing some meth and chillin until Mr. White showed up. (I love that Jesse calls him Mr. White the entire series.) 
– Jesse’s gf. 😦 WTF Breaking Bad. TOO FAR.
– Walt’s hat reminds me of the hat from that Johnny Depp movie Secret Window. He’s like a different person when he wears it. “You stole mah story” lol
– Lydia’s sunglasses are dumb.
– I’m glad he FINALLY admitted what we’ve all known all along- that he did NONE of this for the family, he did it for himself. It was clear from the beginning he had issues with that Grey Matter company and the life he missed out on and thought he deserved the life Elliott and Gretchen had. He’s all about entitlement and credit. He wants credit where credit’s due. It’s sad.
– I hate Walt so much but have to give him credit on that crazy gun contraption he put together. And he saved Jesse! He redeemed himself slightly but still no. You still screwed up his entire life and even though he’s alive he’ll never be happy.  So good job.
– Overall we are satisfied with the ending but still really sad. This show has been giving us bad dreams for days and we’re still really mad about Hank. I don’t think we’ll ever get over that. And I’m sad for Jesse’s life because I don’t think it’ll ever be good.
So I think this is probably one of the most well written shows I’ve ever seen. When I think about the series as a whole, it seems more like a really long play and not like a TV show. The character development, the themes, the symbolism in everything… It’s so much like a good play. And also 99% of plays have tragic characters with tragic endings so… yeah.  This fits. But really. I don’t think any other show’s writing or story has ever been this good. Or at least not any show I’ve watched.
I can’t believe they made Walt such a likable guy to start off and then over 5 seasons make him into the devil and make us hate him. Definitely did not see that coming. This whole series could have been avoided if he’d just set his pride on the backburner and took the job and/or money from Elliott and Gretchen for his chemo in the first place. Ugh.
Flynn is my favorite character of the whole series. I love the innocence he brought to the story. He is the best and probably the only character that didn’t do something awful the entire series.
This show elicited a lot of capslocks from me.  (I had to look up how to spell elicited. I thought it was spelled illicited. Whoops.)
Now Chuckie and I get our life outside of the TV back and we enter our time of recovery. I think it may take awhile. This show messed us up. We love it and hate it all at the same time. Us and the show = Walt and Jesse.

Published by Laura

I've got a few stories to tell.

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